Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Love Spells are Fake - According to Top Beverly Hills Psychic

Candid Insight from an Industry Insider on the Delusional Distraction of Psychic Love Spells

BEVERLY HILLS, CA, June 11, 2013 – Long time love psychic and a common name heard in the Hollywood celebrity psychic scene, is Christopher Golden. Recently he revealed that "Love spells do not work. Period. They are based on superstition and wishful thinking." He added that, "Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's a good idea or that it works".

The veteran celeb psychic went on to reveal that, "Probably 90 percent of the online psychic websites, which promise to reunite lovers, are nothing but gypsy scams. They will promise you the moon but do not deliver. Instead these increasingly popular, cyber predators keeping coming back, demanding more money. They will  tell you that the money is needed for supplies, or that there is a hex on you which need to be removed immediately. And this is really a shame, because this sort of muddies the water for anyone who is a real authentic psychic, trying to help people. More importantly, it hurts people who are already hurting."

According to Golden, "Most of the time, when a person wants to reunite with their ex, the fact is that it's over. You simply have to move on. A professional intuitive must be willing to break the bad news, for the good of their client - even if it's not what someone wants to hear."

Says the longtime love psychic, "Psychic ability is something you either have or you don't. But even the best psychic is not a miracle worker. There are things that can be done, along the lines of psychic healing, to reunite lovers, but only under certain circumstances. If two people do not still love each other, usually there is nothing that can be done."

According to the Beverly Hills Psychic, "Everything physical has a non-physical component. That's what the field of metaphysics is about. However, simply lighting candles, waving sage or thinking positively is not going to break another person's free will. And anyone who says otherwise is simply preying on people's vulnerabilities. If a so-called psychic tells you something which sounds too good to be true, then it probably is".

ABOUT US: "Beverly Hills Psychic - Christopher Golden" has been providing spiritual counseling, psychic advice and intuitive life coaching, for over 20 years. He specializes in matters of the heart and has a client roster from the "who's who" of Hollywood, to everyday people from all over the world, and all walks of life. He can be reached at:http://www.Psychic90210.com or by email at: the-psychic@outlook.com

Press Contact:
Alex Silverman
For Entertainment Purposes Inc
9107 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 450 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

VOS' CEO to Speak at the First World Affairs Luncheon Series for World Affairs Councils of America Austin's Chapter

VOS' CEO to speak at the first World Affairs Luncheon series for World Affairs Councils of America Austin's chapter. The series will feature speakers on global topics of interest to the Austin community. The event will take place at the Austin City Hall on Friday June 7 2013 and it is organized by WAC Austin, a chapter of WACA located in Austin, Texas.

Austin, TX, June 04, 2013 - The World Affairs Council of Austin, WAC Austin, announced Friday that it was launching a “World Affairs Luncheon” series, as part of a set of monthly events featuring speakers on a variety of international topics. “We feel a luncheon event will provide Austinites the opportunity to connect with important global issues and topics while also doing something fun with their lunchtime,” says Mortada Mohamed, President of the World Affairs Council.

The series inaugural luncheon is set for 11:30 am, Friday June 7. The speaker will be Husayn Alvarez-Gomariz who will speak on "Torrijos - Spain: a place to work, a place to live". Mr. Alvarez is the president and CEO of Value-Optimized Solutions, Inc., VOS, a global technology provider. Mr. Alvarez will share his direct experiences doing business with Spain during part of the market assessment for VOS’ service Press Release Leader, a global PR solution aimed at the international press release market.

Recognizing the key role Austin’s business community plays in driving Austin’s international involvement, many of the luncheons will have a business or commercial theme, with speakers selected from recognized experts in various aspect of international commerce. Other speakers will address topics in international education, geopolitics and other topics. The World Affairs Luncheons will take place at Austin City Hall.

Value-Optimized Solutions, Inc. [VOS] is the leading global provider of business solutions in hardware / software and network services based in Austin, Texas, USA with a customer base that spans all continents. VOS services have a global presence and are used extensively in the public and private sectors. VOS services are designed to provide business solutions that meet business needs with a clear emphasis on organizations describe empirical results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the solution.

The World Affairs Council of Austin, a member of the World Affairs Councils of America, WACA, serves Austinites of all ages and backgrounds who are interested in the world at large. WAC Austin’s mission is to provide those individuals with top-quality programming and events and create conduits for interaction with international experts and decision-makers.

Press Contact:
Jack Look
Executive Vice President North America Services
Value Optimized Solutions Inc
441 Santaluz Path Austin, TX

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